ARAGAWA LONDON 麤皮 ロンドン Vol.2 The Steak Master 至高のステーキ職人
Opened last year in Mayfair, ARAGAWA is Japan’s premier steakhouse. This chapter highlights the master chef shaping the exceptional Tajima beef experience. 昨年メイフェアにオープンした肉の名店。第2回は希少な但馬牛の味を極める職人に迫ります。
In writing this article…
I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to all of you for patiently waiting since the last newsletter. From the beginning of summer, numerous projects started to take off, making it difficult for me to sit down and devote time to writing. Nevertheless, all of you who subscribe to this newsletter never left my thoughts.
The days of growing impatience have finally led to the release of the second chapter of ARAGAWA London. In this writing, I’ve depicted Kazuo Imayoshi san, a steak master who has been grilling Tajima beef at Aragawa for over 40 years. Beyond the use of the finest binchotan charcoal and the unique style of the Rogama kiln, I believe this edition best captures the essence of what I always aim to convey:
“Food is about people.”
While writing this article, I realised that the conversation I had with Imayoshi san on that day likely lasted no more than thirty minutes, across the counter of the grilling area, as he handled the meat. Yet, within that brief half-hour, there was so much to his life’s journey, and surely, beyond what I could grasp, there are even deeper, more significant experiences.
In the quest for deliciousness, understanding who is behind each dish, how it was made, and the thoughts that went into it is, in my view, a form of art distinct from others, allowing one to experience the richness of a film or a novel through all five senses within the joy of gastronomy.
I would be delighted if you could read the full article through the link below.
私事になってしまいますが、夏前よりたくさんのプロジェクトが稼働し始め、なかなか、机に向かい、ゆっくり文字と取り組む時間が取れずにいました。それでも、心の中には、いつも、このニュースレターを購読してくださっている皆さんのことが離れることはありませんでした。焦る気持ちの募る日々でしたが、やっと、ARAGAWA London 第二章を配信するまでに、辿り着けました。
“美味しいもの” を探す旅で、誰が、どのようにして、何を想って、目の前の一皿があるのか…。それを感じることは、美食という喜びが、一つの映画や物語を、五感を通して体験できるという、他の芸術とは全く違ったアートであると言えるのだと思います。
【ARAGAWA London 麤皮ロンドン 】
38 Clarges Street
London W1J 7EN
Hola , Excelentes Artículos. Gracias Por Compartir. Un Saludo.