Chef Hayashi's KYOTO GUIDE・ 林シェフの京都案内
London's Kaiseki chef Daisuke Hayashi unveils his treasured Kyoto destinations. ロンドン露結の林大介シェフがおすすめ京都スポット[日本語は英語記事の後です]
In two separate articles, I've shared insights into the essence of Japanese cuisine and advice for beginners from Chef Daisuke Hayashi of ROKETSU, a Kaiseki restaurant in London. In this final chapter, I'll bring to you some spots in Kyoto recommended by the chef.
The Final Chapter : Chef Hayashi's Guide to Kyoto
Now, let's talk about Kyoto. What's your top recommendation for a dining spot in Kyoto?
HAYASHI: Definitely, KIKUNOI HONTEN (Master Murata’s Ryotei whom I've trained under for many years)! But seriously, if you visit Kikunoi, you'll truly experience the entirety of Japanese culinary culture - from the tableware, the dishes, the architecture, the room décor and the garden to the service. Whether it's the hanging scroll, the vessels for the food or the flower vases, everything is genuine and authentic.
Naoko: I get asked this question a lot too, and every time, my answer is always the same, "You must go to a Ryotei in Kyoto" There's no other option!
HAYASHI: Imagine a room spacious enough for 10 people, but if it’s just two of you, you can have it all to yourselves. You won't usually find this dining experience.
Naoko: Exactly.
HAYASHI: And in that room, there can be a handwriting of a great monk, for example.
Naoko: Indeed. I'd like to emphasise again, choosing a Ryotei is really the only choice.
HAYASHI: If you visit a Ryotei like Kikunoi, you'll immediately understand Japan's charm.
Naoko: I couldn't agree more.
At KIKUNOI, the decoration changes with the seasons and flowers are the most delicate expression of the time of year.
Do you have any hotel or inn recommendations?
HAYASHI: For that, TAWARAYA RYOKAN is the first choice without a doubt! Another delightful place is MIYAMASOU. While the suites in luxury hotels are nice, if you truly want to experience the essence of Kyoto, staying in a traditional inn is definitely the way to go.
The entrance of Tawaraya Ryokan
Do you have a favourite garden, shrine or temple that you recommend?
HAYASHI: When it comes to shrines and temples, I'd say BUKKOJI or perhaps DAITOKUJI temple.
Naoko: Oh wonderful. What should we see there?
HAYASHI: DAITOKUJI is the temple from which the name ROKETSU originates.
Naoko: I see! Right!
HAYASHI: Alternatively, and this is also due to my personal connection, KODAIJI would be a recommendation. Tracing its history, there's a profound story. Kikunoi is located nearby, and just beyond a small hill is KODAIJI. The ancestors of Kikunoi have historically been the caretakers of the "Kikusui Well," which Toyotomi Hideyoshi (the second "Great Unifier" of Japan in 16th century)'s wife, Kita no Mandokoro, used for the tea ceremony.
Naoko: Indeed! And when you mention “Taikou“ Hideyoshi, it connects to tea as well. Then tea leads to Kaiseki…. It's truly history.
HAYASHI: It's the unseen aspects, really.
Naoko: But something lives there, so to speak.
HAYASHI: Understanding those roots is incredibly important.
Naoko: Absolutely, it aligns with my philosophy that "The More You
Know, The Tastier It Becomes."! It truly connects everything.
NISHIKI ICHIBA ARCADE, recently become famous among foreign visitors coming to Kyoto. Where would you specifically recommend here?
HAYASHI: I'd recommend KAWAMASA. It's a greengrocer that offers Kyoto vegetables. I have some long-time friends there.
Naoko: Given the current touristy vibe of Nishiki Arcade, choosing to visit a greengrocer is quite a connoisseur's choice.
HAYASHI: True, but there are still a few shops that maintain their authenticity. For instance, if you're looking for black beans, KITAO is the best in Japan. I always use their black beans when preparing them.
Naoko: I remember your black beans especially at New Year's. They were truly jewels shiny and not a single wrinkle on them after being cooked.
HAYASHI: In Nishiki, these are the shops I'm familiar with.
Naoko: I see. Thank you. I hope those who visit Nishiki enjoy tasting their favourite foods and have a great time.
At Nishiki Ichiba Arcade, there are122 shops in a 390 m shopping street.
Naoko: Thank you very much Chef Hayashi, for speaking to me about the three themes.
I'd like to continue this Kyoto recommendation series in the future.
Kikunoi Honten
Tawaraya Ryokan
Address: 278 Nakashirakawa-cho, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto City, Japan
Bukkoji Temple
Daitokuji Temple
Kodaiji Temple
Nishiki Arcade
Opened in December 2021, London's first Kaiseki restaurant introduces UK diners to Japanese culinary tradition. The interior, designed in the Sukiya-style architecture, provides a tranquil and genuine atmosphere. Chef Daisuke Hayashi, formerly of Kyoto's esteemed Kikunoi, crafts a menu that reflects Kyoto's culinary heritage, with offerings that evolve through the seasons. The refinement of both the tableware and decor, meticulously chosen for their quality and visual appeal, attracts local food enthusiasts seeking authentic Japanese gastronomy.
第3章 林大介シェフの「京都案内」
第3章 林大介シェフの「京都案内」
林シェフ: ぜひ、「 (私が長年教えを受けた村田氏の) 菊乃井本店」へ! (笑) いえ、本当に「菊乃井」行かれたら、やっぱり器も料理も室礼もサービスも、日本料理文化が全部味わえます。かかっているお軸であったり、料理の器であったり、花器であったり、全部、本物ですから。
NAOKO: 私もこの質問、実は、たくさんの海外の方に聞かれるのですけど、その度に、必ず「とにかく、料亭さんに行ってください!」と、答えています。料亭一択です!
林シェフ: ゆったり10名は入れるようなお部屋を、二名様でしたら、お二人で貸し切るような状態なわけですよ。通常ではあり得ない食事の仕方ですよね。
NAOKO: まさに、おっしゃる通りです。
林シェフ: そして、そこにはお軸とお花もあるわけですよ。
NAOKO: そうなんです。もう本当に、料亭一択、ともう一度、私も強調します。
林シェフ: とりあえず料亭に行っていただけると、日本の良さが分かってもらえると思います。
NAOKO: 同感以上に同感です。
林シェフ: それはもう、「俵屋」さん、一択で、こちらも(笑)。もう一つ素晴らしいのは「美山荘」さんですね。
林シェフ: 神社仏閣、と言われたら、沸光寺、ですかね。もしくは大徳寺。
NAOKO: わあ、そこでは何を見れば良いのでしょうか?
林シェフ: 大徳寺は、露結の由来のお寺であり、ご奉安ですから。
NAOKO: なるほど! そうですね!
林シェフ: あるいは、私の思い入れもありますが、高台寺ですね。歴史をたどれば、奥深いストーリーがあります。「菊乃井本店」そしてちょっとした山があって、その裏が高台寺なんですよ。「菊乃井」の先祖は、代々、豊臣秀吉の妻・北政所が茶の湯に使った、菊水の井を守ってきた人物ですから。
NAOKO: そうですよね。そして、豊臣秀吉となると、お茶とも繋がりますし。お茶、そして、懐石でもあり、と。まさに、歴史ですね。
林シェフ: もう目に見えないところですよ。
NAOKO: でも、何かが生きている、という。
林シェフ: そのルーツを知ることは、ものすごく大切です。
NAOKO: やっぱりそこは、私のフィロソフィー(哲学)であります “知ればもっと美味しくなる” ですから。本当に、そこに繋がっていきます。
NAOKO: 八百屋さんですか! 今は、錦市場は観光化されすぎた感もありますので、なかなか八百屋へ行く、というのは、シブい選択ですね。
林シェフ: そうですよね、でも、まだ何軒か、しっかりされているお店さんもあります。例えば、黒豆だったら、「北尾」さん。北野さんの黒豆は日本一です。 黒豆仕込む時は必ず北尾さんの黒豆ですね。
NAOKO: 林さんの黒豆、前にいただいた時、本当に、艶々でしたね。もう、皺ひとつない。
林シェフ: 錦では、私が知っているのはこういったお店さんですね。
NAOKO: なるほど。ありがとうございます。錦市場へ行かれた方には、皆さんお好きなもの食べていただいて、楽しまれて欲しいです。
住所: 京都府京都市中京区中白山町278
電話: +81 75-211-5566
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